Yesterday it was officially announced! I’ll be a part of the new Centre Street Collective, opening in downtown Cumberland late July. CSC is “A new hip retail outlet located in the Historic District of Cumberland, Maryland. CSC provides rentable retail space for new entrepreneurs or veteran business owners with new ideas.”
The space has some *amazing* vendors. Some art, some food! Check out their website for all the details! https://www.centrestreetcollective.com
I couldn’t be more happy (and nervous, tbh!) to be making a shift from festival vending and all online sales. A physical space will definitely suit my lifestyle and work better. I’m incredibly excited to be able to make bigger wares, as well! I may even be able to work on my sculptures 😍 (Okay, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Ally!) haha.
With two young ones, and a husband who currently works night shift, this will definitely be a dance of time and energy. Family is always my number one priority…I have waited so long to have my boys and my little family. But it will be nice to get back working.
I‘ll be working on a few new items, as well as stocking up on a variety of flower mugs. I am very excited to be adding lamps and countertop compost buckets.
What type of items would you like to see in my store? Make sure to comment and let me know!
This month, Felix is 2.8yo and Duncan is 9 months! So hard to believe 😍
Here they are this past Memorial Day at the show at Canal Place. Aren’t these hats *the absolute cutest!*
Felix is starting to be more gentle with his brother. But also I can see sometimes he gets jealous that Duncan gets a bit more attention than him right now. I try my best and give Felix some one-on-one mama time, and extra snuggles when I can, when Duncan is around, too. Learning more about Gentle Parenting helps so much. I knew even before I had kids I wanted to try and not yell, have them learn through anger or fear, and most importantly, let them know from a young age that their feelings are valid and to help navigate them. Its definitely a struggle sometimes. Especially as We roll very quickly into toddlerhood. 😂 Learning as you are right in the middle of the ride already is certainly…fun. We will just say fun 🙌🏻😁